Aim: to improve the facilities for sustainable transport and provide better links across the city centre.
This is one of a number of projects helping to meet the objectives of Leicester City Council’s Local Transport Plan (LTP3) which focuses on sustainable transport that will help grow the economy. It will assist with encouraging more people to walk, cycle and use public transport thus reducing carbon emissions and facilitate a safer and healthier way of life.
The Headlines
- Investment: £1.7m
- Project Sponsors: Leicester City Council
- Start date: October 2020
- Status: Complete
This project will facilitate sustainable travel into and across Leicester city centre by creating and improving pedestrian/cycle facilities and public realm to Granby Street and St George Street.
The pedestrianisation of part of Granby Street will enable the creation of a high-quality gateway into the city centre from Leicester railway station.
Improvements and pedestrian-priority works to St George Street will link together a major mixed-use city centre regeneration site to the railway station and wider city centre.
The project will create a gateway to the city centre that will create strong links between the railway station and Leicester’s two bus stations and enhance important links to the Cultural Quarter. It will improve access to work, leisure and tourist destinations across the city centre.
Project Outputs
- Construction jobs created: 4
- Apprenticeships created: 3
- Public realm improved or created: 2,600 sq.m.
- Length of footway improved: 390 m.