On this page, you can read the terms of reference and download all relevant papers related to our Appointment Committee.
Terms of reference
Appointments Committee
The Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board has established a Committee of the Board to be known as the Appointments Committee.
The Committee’s terms of reference may be amended at any time by the Board
1. Membership
1.1. The members of the Committee will be appointed by the Board from its Board of Directors, and a representative of the Accountable Body and will consist of not less than three members. HR Advisor and external advisers may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting, as and when appropriate and necessary.
1.2. The Committee Chair will also be appointed by the LLEP Board. If they are absent from the meeting, the remaining committee members will appoint from amongst themselves a person to chair the meeting. All members will be appointed for a term that coincides with their term as a member of the LLEP Board. However, extensions to their term on the LLEP Board do not automatically result in their continued membership of the committee which requires re-appointment by the LLEP Board.
2. Meetings and Quorum
2.1 The committee will meet as required to address specific matters as arising from the appointment of directors and or the LLEP Chief Executive Officer.
2.2 Notice of Meetings: Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date, together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be forwarded to each member of the committee and any other person required to attend;
2.3 These timelines are:
i. Meeting agendas and papers to be published five clear working days before the meeting takes place;
ii. Minutes of Board meetings to be published within 10 clear working days of the meeting taking place. This may be in draft if internal LLEP processes require clearance before the minutes are finalised. The final minutes of Board meetings will be published within 10 clear working days of being ratified at the subsequent Board meeting
3. Duties
3.1 The committee should carry out the duties below
The committee shall:
i. Set the policy for board appointments and specifying descriptions of the role and capabilities required for board appointments in light of existing skills and experience of current board members
ii. Plan for the future, including succession planning, to ensure that that the Board Membership reflects Leicester and Leicestershire including age, gender, ethnicity, public and private sector, geography and skills
iii. Identify opportunities to develop the capacity and competencies of board members and members of other groups such as media and public speaking training
iv. Assist in the preparedness of candidates with appropriate induction requirements, including background objectives, reports, meeting frequency and guidelines to help avoid conflicts of interest
v. Build a reputation for progress and transparency
vi. Where appropriate make recommendations on directors appointments
vii. Support if needed the Chair and / or Deputy Chair and / or Chief Executive Officer on any matters relating to the continuation in office of any member of the Board, Programme Board and Executive or Chief Executive Officer at any time, including the suspension or termination of a Board member or Chief Executive Officer.
viii. Manage the performance review process in respect of the Chief Executive Officer
ix. Actively manage the recruitment of the Chief Executive Officer
x. Advise and make recommendations on any changes to the LEP Governance
3.2 The committee shall also make recommendations to the Board on;
i. Succession plans for members of the Board and in particular for the key roles of chairman and deputy chairman;
ii. Any matters relating to the continuation in office of any member of the Board at any time including the suspension or termination of service of a Board member
4. Reporting Responsibilities
4.1 The committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it deems appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed